Photo of Design for a four light stained glass memorial window with tracery details. by CLAYTON & BELL.


Design for a four light stained glass memorial window with tracery details.



A pen and ink, watercolour and gouache design (172 x 153mm), mounted on card (240 x221 mm), for a four light memorial window with tracery details, the central two light showing the seated figures St. Luke at the left, and St. Paul at the right, a Roman soldier standing behind him, with the legend ‘St. Luke Visits St. Paul In Prison’ across the foot of both lights. The extreme left light depicting the standing figure of St. Luke holding an artist’s brushes and a palette; the extreme right light depicting the standing figure of Dorcas holding a length of material. All four figures are situated within fictive stone tabernacles. The central tracery light depicts an angel, the outer lights depict cherubim; the original board with light scattered spotting, the watercolour itself bright and free of spotting, mounted in conservation board.

The drawing inscribed in the upper left hand corner in sepia ink ‘Wantage Parish Ch. W. Wdw: N. Aisle. Scale 3/4 In’. Inscribed in the lower right corner ‘Clayton & Bell’

The lower margin of the mount inscribed: ‘To The Glory Of God And In Memory Of Mary Evelyn Emerson Who Died On The 30th December 1905, This Window Is Erected With The Proceeds Of A Legacy Bequeathed To Them For That Purpose By The Executors Of The Will Of Her Husband, Thomas Gilbert Emerson M.D. Who Was For Many Years A Resident Medical Practitioner In This Town. And Who Died On The 17th June 1912, At Woodford In The County Of Essex. Erected In The Parish Church Of Wantage June 1913.’

Stock number: 1566